Phoenix Personal Injury Lawyer Blog


Posted by Jay L. Ciulla | Mar 07, 2015 | 0 Comments

I, like many others, have a Facebook account that I use when keeping up with friends and family and to receive updates about events and happenings. I even have the Facebook app on my cellphone that I may use anywhere. While perusing the newsfeed of Facebook this morning, I came across a very startling video of woman. She is a singer who was updating her Facebook “family” about one of her upcoming performances. That alone is innocent enough, except for one important thing. She was driving. She was driving and holding her cell phone in her hand addressing her Facebook audience. The woman frequently took her eyes off the road to speak directly to the camera, becoming so enthused that she took her other hand off the wheel multiple times to point to the camera and dance along with her loud background music. At one point in the video she even makes mention of how she's “battling traffic right now trying to get to work” and turns her phone around to show the audience a view of the morning rush hour.

As you may already know, using your cell phone while driving is dangerous. It pulls your attention from the road. Studies have found that even when using a hands free device you are engaging in a cognitive distraction. A 2014 statistic from the Arizona Department of Public Safety used data from over 8 thousand accidents to determine that the number one driving distraction was cellphone use. As a Phoenix personal injury law office, we are much too familiar with this sort of recklessness that can wreak havoc on someone's life. This woman posting to her Facebook could have easily had a very different morning that went from dancing in her car on video to video footage on the news of a fatal crash during morning rush hour. Distracted driving is dangerous driving. You may get away with it, perhaps get cited for a traffic violation or get into a minor car crash, or you may just end someone's life. Safety for yourself and others should be top priority while behind the wheel and is much more important than updating your status. 

Jay Ciulla is a Phoenix, Arizona, personal injury and wrongful death lawyer.

About the Author

Jay L. Ciulla

Jay L. Ciulla is a native of Phoenix, Arizona. Since 1997, he has been helping injured injured people with their legal issues. He has extensive litigation and trial experience and has represented clients in more than one hundred trials.


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